As part of your induction, please ensure that within the first three months you complete the on-line diversity training available at: 

For staff without internet access, please contact Rob Kemp on 01524 510624 for an alternative solution.

All Staff play an important part in achieving our equality and diversity aims, and are responsible for:

  • Promoting equality and not discriminating between any groups or individuals
  • Helping to create and maintain an environment where harassment and discrimination are unacceptable.
  • Dealing, as far as they can, with incidents of harassment, bullying or breaches of the Equality & Diversity Plan.
  • Taking up equality and diversity awareness training and learning opportunities.
  • Reporting incidents of concern to their Head of Department or manager, area HR Partner, the University Harassment Network or Trade Union representative.

The Students’ Union is committed to fulfilling its obligations under the Equality Act 2010, which applies to employment, facilities, goods and services and education, including the admission and treatment of students.  These commitments are made with specific reference to a person’s Age, Disability, Gender Reassignment, Marriage & Civil Partnership, Race, Religion or Belief, Sex (Gender) and sexual orientation.

The Students’ Union shares the University’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion strategic vision available here: